Patumahoe Village Incorporated
Minutes 7th February 2011
Prior to the meeting Trevor McMiken and Ben Petch (planning consultant involved in the Kingseat Road subdivision) undertook a site visit to the Kingseat Road development. At the site visit discussion took place regarding some community concerns over issues such as grading, views, neighbourhood parks, reserves and buffer zones. The main issues raised here surrounded the density of the houses and the views from up on the hill.
Meeting Opened at 7:00pm
Present: Paula Crosswell, Vicki Lacy, Kurk Brady, Iris Tscharntke, Suzanne Avison, Louise Sinclair, Andrew Sinclair, Dave Puflett, Glenn Hunter, Bruce McMiken, Trevor McMiken, Gary Morris, Wayne Carter, Matt Earle, Kevan Thompson, Angela Smith, Peter Kraakman, Jay Patel
Apologies: Stuart Searle, Ron Gordon
Item 1: Kingseat Road development proposal
Ben Petch, a planner who is involved in the Kingseat Road development discussed issues and concerns which had been raised by the community.
He outlined the following:
Iwi Consultation
- Iwi consultation is being undertaken at the moment.
- Archaeologists looked over the site and there is no need for further archeological survey.
Density Controls
Density Controls
Discussion took place over some community concerns regarding the selling of properties and density controls in Patumahoe. Ben outlined that minimum lot size since the rural plan change is 800m², and anything smaller has to go through council. The sites at Kingseat range from 600m² – 1400m². These sites will have more density towards the town centre, and will be bigger at the rural side to maintain rural feel and character. The average size of a site at the development is 900m².
Ben stated that the Kingseat Road development will avoid grading if possible, but some will be required for the road and retaining walls. Where retaining walls are required landscaping will be used to reduce amenity and visual impacts.
Ben stated that the Kingseat Road development will avoid grading if possible, but some will be required for the road and retaining walls. Where retaining walls are required landscaping will be used to reduce amenity and visual impacts.
Design Elements
Discussion took place on design elements, gateways, the central park and the commercial corner. It was noted that there is a need to balance the private and public aspects of individual plots with regards to restricting view from the buffer zone and walkway up the hill.
The views from Patumahoe Hill were further discussed, and there were suggestions to raise the centre mound of the hill in order to increase views from the top.
Discussion then took place over street names and who decides them. Suggestions for street names were old Patumahoe family names or related to history in some way. A suggestion that an investigation into traditional Maori names for some of our local landmarks was forwarded.
Submissions from members or community can be sent via Patumahoe Village Inc to be forwarded on to Auckland Council and the McMikens.
Item 2: Minutes from Last meeting
Paula Crosswell noted the minutes from the last meeting which included discussion on: the school carpark, the website, street parties, banner, advertising and planning resources.
Item 3: Treasurers Report
Vicki went over the treasurer’s report for December, which included stamp duty, setting up expenses for Paula (previous meetings etc). All approved prior to December.
- Street party, $104 was spent for food and refreshments for the first street party that happened at the end of 2010. These refreshments were not all used so will be used for the next street parties.
- Street party, $104 was spent for food and refreshments for the first street party that happened at the end of 2010. These refreshments were not all used so will be used for the next street parties.
Item 4: Chairpersons Report
Street Parties
- Discussion was successfully initiated at the first street party.
- Neighbours met, 5 households were present, plus the Askews and four members of the Village Incorporated Society attended.
- Neighbours met, 5 households were present, plus the Askews and four members of the Village Incorporated Society attended.
This has been slow going with constant meetings being held. The website is now up and looking better but more work is still needed.
This has been slow going with constant meetings being held. The website is now up and looking better but more work is still needed.
- There a several different sections on the website which include local news, sports, and nature and environment.
- One part of the site is a business directory. Payment is $100 for hosting business details on the site. These have to be local business or local resident. Non Profit groups and charities are free, e.g. book group
- There is also notice boards and classifieds: 2nd hand goods are free, but cars and other items may be charged for. This will be moderated.
- Moderator is Paula Crosswell at the moment. She has contacted sports club and sought approval to contact other activities of people in Franklin and Pukekohe. This was agreed upon at the meeting.
Penny Pirrit from the Auckland Council replied to Paula’s planning resources letter and outlined that the council has a number of plans in the implementation phase, and are currently preparing a report of ‘area spatial planning’ for March and April. This report will outline the approach to preparation of new towns and villages. John Duguid, the councils plan development manager is to get in contact with Paula and discuss potential ways forward.
Penny Pirrit from the Auckland Council replied to Paula’s planning resources letter and outlined that the council has a number of plans in the implementation phase, and are currently preparing a report of ‘area spatial planning’ for March and April. This report will outline the approach to preparation of new towns and villages. John Duguid, the councils plan development manager is to get in contact with Paula and discuss potential ways forward.
- Des Morrison is putting the group forward under the spatial plan, which means there may be resources allocated.
- Sports and Recreation:
- Sports and Recreation:
Committee is needed and someone to liaise between the codes. Current population projections by council need to be challenged with statistics and backup. A breakdown of how many people use the sports grounds, how often, where they come from etc. This will make the Patumahoe catchment bigger, and will help identify the next 10-15 years sports wise and the needs of the general village area. Glen is to coordinate a questionnaire for the sports clubs.
Traffic and Cycling:
Walkway: Iris Tscharntke requested approval to apply for a grant for a footpath from the corner of Hunters Road to the village. This application was to Holsom, who sponsor half the cost of walkways. Approval and backing of group was sought and passed unanimously. Cycle Action Network: Going to committee and getting back to us. A committee was formed to address this area, Louise Sinclair, Iris Tscharntke and Suzanne Avison to organise.
Nature and Environment:
Committee to identify areas of environmental significance. Need people who are keen to join the group and identify these. Andrew Sinclair to talk to the Whakapouko Landcare Group to get indications of interest to form a working party/committee.
Historic Buildings:
Church (Scout and Guide Hall) currently located on Mareretu Road.
Discussion was raised of the moving of the church. The church is to go on public land and will remain public. It has been given to community by scouts as long as they can sell site. Church can be used as an additional teaching room and could also have a room for local history.
It was noted that Kay Carter wishes to address the group on this particular matter in the future. There is a need to identify historic information and record it and allow access. Angela to help and also noted that the classrooms at Patumahoe School are available for meetings and printing.
2012 submission is limited but Hayden Weston has given the group an extension.
- Deadline for group is July next year but waiting on Auckland Councils spatial plan.
- Because of deadlines the village open day needs to be before the end of April (for concept brief and considerations)
2012 submission is limited but Hayden Weston has given the group an extension.
- Deadline for group is July next year but waiting on Auckland Councils spatial plan.
- Because of deadlines the village open day needs to be before the end of April (for concept brief and considerations)
Other Items
Street Parties
Kurk Brady to take over the coordination of these street parties.
Dates still need to be confirmed for two street parties but the following details are confirmed:
Mauku: Angela Smith/ Peter and Ngari Kraakman – 409 Union Road, Sunday 27th February
Kingseat/Mauku Road: Karena Brady-Leathem (2363073) – 23 Kingseat Road, 3-5pm Sun 27th Feb
Mareretu Avenue: Lisa Rolston ( – 7 Mareretu Avenue, Date & Time T.B.C.
Woodhouse Road: Peter Hardy (0274586156) - Location, Date & Time T.B.C.
Kingseat/Mauku Road: Karena Brady-Leathem (2363073) – 23 Kingseat Road, 3-5pm Sun 27th Feb
Mareretu Avenue: Lisa Rolston ( – 7 Mareretu Avenue, Date & Time T.B.C.
Woodhouse Road: Peter Hardy (0274586156) - Location, Date & Time T.B.C.
Information from these street parties will be collated and filtered down to concept brief.
Vicki requested the use of a postbox which has a fee of $145. Approval was given for this.
Open Day
Open Day
Discussion of dates for Open Day: Decided on Sunday 10th April 2011.
Need more people to sign up to village group. The more members of group, the more funding we are likely to get.
Meeting closed at 9pm